Town Baby

I didn’t need to think too hard about this week’s prompt of Town & Country for Sunday Scribblings. I wouldn’t have spent the last five years living in NYC if I wasn’t in love with big cities. This place will push your boundaries and comfort levels in so many ways that you better really love it here if you want to stick around.

Aside from access to unbelievable restaurants, theater, art and everything else, here are a few examples of why I love living in a place with 8 million people:

What else can I say? What about you? Town or country? You can read more here.


  1. marigoldie says:

    Oh man, I’m eternally torn between the two. I must have both! I’ve lived in a city for the past several years, and my Denver experience has been much more city-fied than my Nashville one. I love walking and biking everywhere, the cultural opportunities and the colorful people. That said, I find the simplicity and richness of the country equally appealing. I’m still trying to figure out how to have it all.

  2. Molly says:

    I love your masthead, by the way–the silver building reminds me of the Weisman Art Museum at the U of MN campus. NYC is a wonderful place (it’s where I got engaged!).

  3. mandi says:

    Molly — The masthead for individual posts (there’s a different one for the main page, and another for the subpages) is from a photo of the Experience Music Project in Seattle, my hometown and another favorite big city!

  4. Traci says:

    My preference is a small, but hip town – preferably near the ocean. If I could afford it, I would move to Carmel, CA in a heartbeat.

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