This Time Last Year: June 2009

Believe it or not, as of this month, I’ve got two years of blogging in Germany under my belt.  So here’s a look back at was happening around these parts in June 2009.

Hin und Her: June is my month of anniversaries: 1-year in Germany, 5-years with mein Schatz, 32-years on the planet. To say that the last year has been full of change and lots of traveling is an understatement…

I’m Still Here: I have been neglecting my blog as of late. Some of that has to do with a lot of (local) traveling for work (Wiesbaden, Fulda) and for fun (Gröben). The fun traveling resulted in some beautiful photos that I’m showing off in this post…

Just Thinking: It seems like the world can not decide what it wants.  It is throwing some of life’s worst at the people I care about the most.  Stuff that you would not wish on anyone.  But it is happening just the same, and all you can do from across the ocean is show your love and support however you know best…

Jared Smiles: Ever feel like there is so much wrong in the world but you have no idea how to make it better?  My cousin Todd felt that way too, especially watching his nephew Jared (my second cousin) suffer from muscular dystrophy for the last 15 years…

Year’s End: With my birthday around the corner, I am taking stock of what I have been able to accomplish while I was 31.  Quite a lot, as it turns out!  I ticked off a number of things on my 31 Things list, but a few have been elusive…

A Few Photos: I know you all are just dying to hear about my birthday weekend in Paris, but until I can write a proper post, here are a few photos to sate your appetite.  We had a fabulous time and took over 900 pictures!  Somehow I was able to whittle it down to about 250 to post on Flickr (feel free to take a look!) and some of my favorites are below….

Paris Report: In my never ending quest to travel the world, I often do not end up visiting the same place twice (unless, of course, it is a place with friends or family).  It is not really a rule of mine, but more of a practicality, simply a desire to keep visiting new places.  For some reason or another, Paris — of course — seems to be the exception…

15 Books in 15 Minutes: It has been a good long while since I have done any sort of meme around here, who can resist one that promises to take only 15 minutes?  I have seen it floating around a few places, so I am not tagging anyone, but feel free to to leave a comment about your 15!

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