30 Days of Truth

For many in the blogosphere, November is NaBloPoMo — national blog posting month — where you challenge yourself to post every day for the entire month.  What I think is even better is In the Violet Hour‘s inspiration to transform NaBloPoMo into the 30 Days of Truth.  While I’m sure I won’t be posting every day, I’m definitely up for challenging myself a little more around here.  And I’m listing the 30 prompts below so you can join in too…

Day 1 : Something you hate about yourself

Day 2 : Something you love about yourself

Day 3 : Something you have to forgive yourself for

Day 4 : Something you have to forgive someone for

Day 5 : Something you hope to do in your life

Day 6 :  Something you hope you will never have to do

Day 7 : Someone who has made your life worth living for

Day 8 :  Somone who made your life like hell, or treated you like shit

Day 9 :  Someone you didn’t want to let go, but just drifted

Day 10 : Someone you need to let go or wish you didn’t know

Day 11 : Something people seem to compliment you the most on

Day 12 : Something you never get compliments on

Day 13 : A band or artist that got you through some tough days (write a letter)

Day 14 : A hero that has let you down (write a letter)

Day 15 : Something or someone you can’t live without, because you’ve tried living without it

Day 16 : Someone or something you can definitely live without

Day 17 : A book you’ve read that changed your views on something

Day 18 : Your views on gay marriage

Day 19 : What do you think of religion? Or what do you think of politics?

Day 20 : Your views on drugs and alcohol

Day 21 : (scenario) You’ve gotten into a fight with your best friend and an hour later, she’s in a car accident. What do you do?

Day 22 : Something you wish you hadn’t done in your life

Day 23 : Something you wish you had done in your life

Day 24 : Make a playlist to someone and explain why chose those songs. (Just post the titles, the artist and letter)

Day 25 : The reason you believe you’re still alive today

Day 26 : Have you ever thought about giving up on life? If so, when and why?

Day 27 : What’s the best thing going for you right now?

Day 28 : What if you got pregnant, (or got someone pregnant), what would you do?

Day 29 : Something you hope to change about yourself and why.

Day 30 : A letter to yourself. Tell yourself EVERYTHING you love about yourself.


  1. Some of those would just be too much information to just throw out there. Less can sometimes be more, I think.

    I hope your knee isn’t giving you too much bother, and that the frost is late this year.

  2. Riayn: Yeah, me neither — so I’m going to stick to the prompts that feel right.
    Emily: Please do!
    Ian: I totally agree. Some of the prompts I would never write about in a million years, so I’ll skip those ones and write on the ones that inspire me.

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