This Time Last Year: October 2009

This last month and half has completely slipped through my fingers — without any time or ability to sit and reflect on all of life’s changes.  My rhythms have completely changed, meaning that I need to take some time to establish new ones and try to figure out what best nourishes and inspires me. But rest assured that all is right with the world, at least in my little bubble.  Until I can get things in order around here, how about a peak back at this time last year?

32 Things: Update One: It feels like I wrote my 32 Things list just yesterday, but I guess enough time has passed to fill you in on a few updates!

In Motion: I first discovered I was susceptible to motion sickness as a pre-teen riding the Gravitron at the Seattle Center. Any ride that spins you around in circles fast enough to be able to drop the ground out from under you and still have your body glued to the wall due to sheer centrifugal force can not be good. And indeed, I remember that nausea twenty years later…

Catching Up: Oh no!  According to my Dopplr, I have no new trips planned!  This is only partially true, of course.  I have trips planned in my head, but am just coming back up for air after almost back-to-back trips to the U.S.  I’m trying to make some progress in other areas of my life before I head out of town again…

Autumn: It has been awhile since I picked up my camera.  Lately I have had this nagging feeling of always having something more important to do than taking pictures.  But I realize this is more an issue of wasting too much time during my day with things that don’t bring me joy or energy.  If I cut those things out, there is plenty of time for what must be done AND for what inspires me…

32 Things: Update Two: First off, Happy Halloween!  Although it certainly feels like that time of year, there is not a whole lot of evidence that its Halloween over here.  And we’re not helping things by going to see Thomas Quasthoff in concert tonight at the Philharmonie, which is kind of  like the opposite of trick or treating…

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