Bahá’í House of Worship, Uganda, originally uploaded by .Leili.
Most of what I know about the Baha’i faith stems from two Baha’i housemates I had while living in Uganda eight years ago. He was born and raised in Canada. His wife grew up in Iran, but was smuggled out of the country (along with her mother and brother) because of the persecution they faced for their faith. They sought refuge in Canada, where she spent her adolescence and adulthood. I also came to learn that there are seven Baha’i temples, and that Kampala (the city we lived in) was home to the African temple. The gardens surrounding that temple were beautiful and peaceful, and were open to the public. I recall spending a number of afternoons on the grounds reading and relaxing.
And now, because of two other Baha’is — Amy and Leila, both of whom I’ve met only in blog land — I know that today begins the nineteen days of the Baha’i Fast. Together, Amy and Leila are venturing on a terrific photo project, capturing the sunrise and sunset of each day of the fast, and you can follow their project along with me over at Nineteen Days.
Mandi – i had no idea you lived with Baha’is while in Uganda! Small world huh? Thanks for linking to nineteen days – leila andi are quite excited about it!