After an eight-hour long bus ride, we have reached Berlin. Or to be more specific, we have reached our hotel in the far reaches of East Berlin.
So much to tell, but instead I will point you to the blog of another American on the trip, who explains much better than I the bus adventures of, “ten Americans, ten Russians and ten Chinese, and their partners and two six-year old Russian kids.”
Before we left Bonn, we had a crazy week meeting Bonn’s mayor, touring Deutsche Welle, and attending a posh event hosted for us by the Russian Consulate. There is a little more tension in the air, as things like politics and free speech are brought up. A few sparks are starting to fly. Lots more on all of that later.
But for now, just wanted to let you know I am alive and well in east Germany. And going to bed now so that I can make use of the hotel’s fitness room in the morning.