We have been back from Scotland since Monday night, but somehow I have not managed to sit down and write a blog post since then. Maybe it is because I have a nasty cold that has been holding on for the last two weeks. Or maybe because there has been a lot to take care of and prepare for at work. Or maybe it is the fault of those 600+ photos we took on our trip, which I have just now finished paring down to a reasonable number (150-ish), uploading to Flickr, labeling and organizing (phew!).
In any case, Scotland was absolutely fabulous. We visited our friends David & Debi who left New York City last summer and settled on the other side of the pond (sound familiar?). In addition to the awesomeness of reconnecting with good friends, we enjoyed the gorgeous (!) weather, scenery and sights of Edinburgh, Saint Andrews, and the village of Falkland. We spent lots of time outdoors soaking up the sunshine, eating fish and chips, and drinking tea and whisky (sometimes all at once!). Although we joked that the population of Falkland (1,200 or so according to the Lonely Planet) is approximately equal to the population of one city block in New York City, I loved our little taste of Scottish life.
I picked out the best photos to share below, but be sure to check out the whole album here – you won’t want to miss our four days of Scotland’s green rolling hills and lovely old buildings!

I looks like you had a great trip and I am glad that you enjoyed Scotland so much (it always helps that the sun was shining!) St Andrews is one of my favourite places and I get to go regularly – it’s only 13 miles away! Glad you climbed the Lomonds! Which hill did you do East or West?
I have absolutely no idea which side we climbed — I only know that we started out on the side where the hill meets Falkland and then we more or less climbed straight up! It was definitely not a leisurely stroll, but wonderful, nonetheless. :)