This week has gone by in a flash as I adjusted back to Bremen life after several days in Lisbon. I have a couple of major projects distracting me at the moment, but as soon as I find a way to carve out some time to organize my thoughts, you’ll be hear plenty from me about my new favorite city! (If you can’t wait, visit me over on Instagram for some photos.) In the meantime, here’s a look at the week…
Seeing. Large groups of men carousing through the parks and open spaces while pulling wagons behind them carrying alcohol. Yep, yesterday was Männertag/Vatertag/Christi Himmelfahrt (Men’s Day/Father’s Day/Ascension Day) — please don’t ask me to explain why they’re all combined into one celebration — and apparently that’s what German men like to do on their holiday.
Hearing. An improv/jazz pianist from California play a concert in Die Glocke.
Tasting. My first ice cream of the season!
Smelling. Even with a cold it’s hard to miss the smell of the lilacs in bloom. My favorite!
Feeling. I bought a new pair of shoes that apparently need some major breaking in, so now the back of my heels are rubbed raw. I seriously hope they’re worth it.
Happy Friday! How has your week been? Feel free to join in if you would like! And for more Five Senses, visit Life Simplistic and Travel with Emily.
Oh my gosh! I’ve been loving your Lisboa pics. It is one of my favorite places!! And mmm, ice cream!!