Category: Bremen

Bremer Karneval

Having spent my entire 5+ years in Germany decidedly in the north of the country, I’m no expert on German Karneval (or Fasching). The heart of Carnival is really in Germany’s Rhineland (Cologne, Mainz,  Düsseldorf), so much so that it’s basically impossible to get any normal work done there during the week leading up to Ash …

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Bremen | Sie. Selbst. Nackt.

I can’t believe it’s taken me more than three years of living in Bremen to finally visit the Paula Modersohn-Becker Museum.  Modersohn-Becker is one of the most important painters of early expressionism and spent much of her life in Bremen — in fact I walk by her family’s house every day! The museum  on Böttcherstraße also happens to …

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