Before continuing on with photos from last weekend, let me take a second and wish my American readers a happy Independence Day! Hope you’re somewhere warm, bbq-ing, relaxing with friends and family, and watching beautiful fireworks. — Yesterday’s post featured photos from the village that I stayed in last weekend in eastern Germany, and today …
Category: Travel
Auf dem Land
I spent last weekend exploring the easternmost edge of Germany on the Polish border, and was immediately enchanted with the history and the architecture of the area — with villages celebrating their 750th anniversary, homes dating back a few hundred years (the cellar of the house I stayed in dates back to 1776!), and various …
Die Weltmeisterschaft 2010
In my regular life I’m not a soccer fanatic, but this year I’m making a major exception for the World Cup. Yesterday I set a personal record and saw three games in one day — the Germany and US (we were robbed!) games were on purpose, and the England game by chance. And I’ll probably do …
City to City
Time, precious time. It’s been lacking around here lately, but I’m realizing that’s mostly due to throwing it away on stupid stuff and leaving none of it behind for what I really want (and need) to accomplish. So I’m paring things down and focusing myself — consuming less and creating more. That goes for just …