Category: The USA

While I Was At Work Today…

…I got on an elevator with four cops. It’s a City building and the NYPD has some sort of administrative office on one of the floors. I’m standing there with my relatively tame office-girl outfit on, and one of them saw the tattoo on my arm and proceeded to start the following conversation: Cop 1: …

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Photos & Stuff

My sister had a million chances to test out her new camera during her visit, and captured some great moments (including acting as an ad hoc bridal shower photographer)! Check them all out here, including the Fuerzabruta photos, as promised. I also managed to snap a few shots, which you can find here. And lest …

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A Flash of Light

It’s no secret that I am a big fan of Improv Everywhere — remember when I blogged about the MP3 Experiment IV mission last summer? So I was excited to participate in another mission last Friday that began outside in Foley Square at 9pm. If you were in the New York area, you know how …

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