I made a concerted effort this week to up my training game, and I think it paid off! Plus, I bought the newest model of my running shoes and a couple of new running shirts, all of which have motivated me that much more to get out the door.…
- Monday: Rest
- Tuesday, tempo run: It was raining, but warm, which somehow made for an awesome 5-mile tempo run. My pace was all over the place — it should have been 5 miles at 9:10/mile, but instead it was 10:20, 9:28, 9:18, 9:29, 9:39. Even so, I think it’s generally moving in the right direction and I hope I have enough time to still get those paces down. Afterwards, I did a 15-minute ab workout using my Nike Training Club app.
- Wednesday: Rest
- Thursday, strength training: Again, it was the Seawheeze strength training plan for the win!
- Friday, speed training: This run was originally planned for Thursday evening, but the temps were too high so I got up extra early on Friday morning instead. Although, I’m not sure that helped my pace at all. I felt totally empty in terms of energy and still pretty sore from the strength training, but so it goes: a 10-minute warm up, 1200m, 1000m, 800m, 600m, 400m, 200m, and an 8-minute cool down.
- Saturday, yoga: My muscles were still SO stiff from the previous workout, and the 45-minute Seawheeze yoga video did just the trick. Spending an extra 10 minutes with my foam roller also didn’t hurt (well, actually it did hurt a lot!).
- Sunday, long run: A strong 9-mile run. My Garmin watch was empty so I can’t say anything about pace, but my energy levels were high throughout the run and I felt really good. It’s nice to have a run like that once in awhile to keep your training motivation up!
Ok, that’s it for this week’s Bremen Half Marathon training (a bit behind schedule). What are you up to these days?