A Sniffly Grateful Friday


During a week where I’ve come down with a cold and been pelted in the face with freezing rain during an ice storm, it’s a little challenging to be grateful — but I guess that’s part of the point, right? So here goes. This week, I’ve been grateful for:

  • The beauty of freshly fallen snow and how for a moment, it makes New York City look like a winter wonderland .
  • Mmmm, chocolate cupcakes from the Chocolate Room — which is where my roommate just went to pick us up a couple!
  • Have been able to run eight miles on Sunday for my training for the Brooklyn Half, especially since I haven’t run anywhere since I started getting sick on Wednesday.
  • For the bowl of yummy fresh strawberries I just ate. (I’m trying not to think about why they’re so yummy and fresh in February.)

Yummy Cupcakes

Cupcake, Berlin
Chocolate cupcake

Is it just me (apparently not), or has everyone being lovin’ the cupcakes even more than usual lately? Every time I open up a blog post, it is about cupcakes — like here or here. There are even blogs devoted to cupcakes — like here and here. And if you search Flickr for cupcake photos, watch out, because there are 48,656 of them! I even had a friend recently serve cupcakes at her wedding, rather than the tradition layer cake. Myself, I am much more likely to buy a cupcake from the Chocolate Room or Magnolia Bakery than bake any, but love yummy homemade ones too. The frosting is the best part, which I can’t resist licking off the top before biting into the cake. Yum!

More yumminess can be found here.


Shoot Out in Park Slope

At some point early this morning, I woke up to helicopters flying back and forth in my neighborhood. Since I had to wake up at a reasonable hour to conduct a training for work, I tried as best I could to fall back asleep. But of course, the helicopters managed to make their way into my dreams, with me back at the house I grew up in and looking at the helicopters from the back porch with my mom and brother. (How come I never dream about my current apartment, but instead dream of a place I haven’t lived in 12 years?).

Later, while I was drinking my coffee and listening to NPR, I heard briefly that a cop was shot about a block away from my apartment early this morning. Sure enough, when I headed to the training, the area was blocked off. And sure enough, on my way home this afternoon, the neighborhood was a circus with more cops, barricaded blocks, and media swarming around. I even had someone from the media lean out of his SUV (I know he was from the media, because he made it a point to tell me and show me the badge around his neck) to ask me where the closest Starbucks was and whether it was within walking distance. He looked deflated when I told him it was a 15 minute walk away — sorry friend, this is Brooklyn, not the Upper West Side. I should have pointed him towards Gorilla Coffee instead.

Park Slope is a pretty tame neighborhood in comparison with many others, and I think many Park Slopers tend to be complacent and forget that they live in a city with eight million people and plenty of crime, so I’m sure quite a fuss will be made about this. Anyway, you can read all about craziness here, here, and here. If the NY Times or the Gothamist run a story on it, I’ll be sure to add those links here too.


Update: Here’s the link to the Gothamist’s coverage.

Another Grateful Friday

Chinatown Decorations
Chinatown decorations

This week, I’m grateful for:

  • Mmmm, Gorilla Coffee — the only thing that got me out the door this morning.
  • Days (like today) with no one in the office, so I can work through my insane list of projects without constant phone calls and a barrage of e-mail.
  • Having a gym just a few blocks away so I can run in the dark evenings when the temperature is in the single digits (I am SO not hardcore).
  • A major reduction in our enormous gas bill as compared to this month last year. Apparently, my roommate and I have been totally awesome at conserving energy this winter — I kinda feel like I should be calling up Al Gore to celebrate.
  • Family and friends. Pardon the cliche, but it’s true. Reading Joan Didion’s The Year of Magical Thinking has made me more aware of that than ever.