Tag: Learning German

Die Schweiz

So, we are spending the weekend in Lausanne, Switzerland. Aside from a day or two in Geneva when I was 16 (of which, I have only a faint memory) and a Swiss-German acquaintance back in New York, I have very little experience with Switzerland. I do know that Lausanne is in the French-speaking part of …

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A New Year

2009 is shaping up rather nicely, if I do say so myself… After a frustratingly long prep phase (which I am convinced will only serve to make things better), my fellowship research is now gaining speed and I am excited to be moving into a new phase where progress is more recognizable. Tonight I am …

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A little Weihnachtsgedicht

In the spirit of the holidays, I would like to share this little Denglish Christmas poem, found by a colleague of mine in our Sozialraum. It should please even the rustiest of German speakers, especially for its awesome use of German grammar in English: When the snow falls wunderbar, and the children happy are. When …

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