At the risk of sounding like a broken record, here I go again writing about language. I can’t help it, really. As a stranger in a strange land, language is one of the dominating forces in my life these days, and I spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about vocabulary, grammar, and communication. Before …
Tag: Sunday Scribblings

I Come From…
Isn’t it funny how where you are can change how you answer where you come from? How much more complicated this question is than it actually seems? When learning a new language, these are some of the first words you learn how to say so that you can answer the requisite foreigner questions: Who are …

Dear Me
Although it’s Wednesday, the challenge for this week’s Sunday Scribbling is so perfectly timed, that I could not resist contributing (even a few days late). My almost 32 year old self decided to write letters to who I was half a lifetime ago, and half a lifetime in the future. ** Dear 16 Year Old …
My life has been full of traveling to wonderful places and living in amazing countries. But I still have a neverending list of locales I somehow must visit before I leave this earth. Norway, to visit the part of the family that never left (and those that left, but decided to come back). Back to …