Hey guys! Do you know that I think of you and this blog nearly every day? Even though (or maybe, especially because) I haven’t been able to spend more time posting. So I decided to stop waiting for that magical combination of enough energy, time, and muse — and just post for heaven’s sake! My life is overflowing right now with deadlines and commitments and all sorts of great things that I can’t seem to say no too. That means rushing through each day, trying to accomplish as much as humanly possible. Sound familiar? I know I’m not the only one! But I’m worried that it’s going to catch up with me, so whenever possible I’m trying to be aware of building in enough down time.
I can’t say I’m doing a great job at that, but at least marathon training is forcing me to eat well, get enough sleep, and stretch a lot. Only five weeks until the big day! Honestly, I can hardly believe I’ve made it this far. There are just two more big long runs left — 19 miles this weekend and 20 miles on Easter Sunday. I don’t want to jinx it, but so far, so good. I have lot of thoughts about this whole process to share with you, but I’ll write a dedicated post closer to the end of my training.
In the meantime, I’m doing my best to settle into my blogging rhythm again. It might take a bit of patience, but I think it will be worth it.
What have you been up to lately? Any advice for how to slow down once in awhile?
I know too well not having enough time in the day! I’ve been wondering how your marathon training is going!! I can’t believe it’s almost time. Good job keeping up with stretching, sleeping and eating well with all the commitments.
Thanks, Emily! I will try to share some more marathon training updates again soon.