Happy Spring!

Spring flowers
Bouquet from Pike Place Market: Seattle, March 2010.

It’s dark and rainy today in Hamburg, but change is in the air!  This week I’ve been able to put away my down jacket and break out my bright red Spring coat this week. Happiness is. What are you doing to commemorate the change of seasons?

My Name is Red

While I am a little fearful of doing injustice to writing as beautiful and imaginative as My Name is Red is by Orhan Pamuk, I have a painful pinched nerve in my neck and really shouldn’t be sitting in front of a computer at all, let alone spending forever trying to find the right words for this post. So first, please forgive me. Second, go read this book.

Although it’s billed as a murder-mystery and love story, what I loved was going back in time to 16th century Istanbul during the Ottoman Empire  and getting a taste of the culture, as well as the political alliances and rivalries of the time. Even better, the novel centers around a group of artists, known as miniaturists and illuminators. Upon being confronted with the ideas behind Western European art — which attempts to depict reality and individualism through the use of perspective, among other techniques — they struggle with the worldview of their own art form. Traditionally, they have seen themselves as charged with portraying the world as Allah sees it, not as man sees it. Anything else would undermine their artistic and religious traditions, and this conflict is what drives the entire narrative. The clash between the need to create art and to believe in a God is utterly fascinating and a bit reminiscent of My Name is Asher Lev by Chaim Potok, which I also loved.

I won’t say too much more about the narrative itself, except that the glorious descriptions of color and detail really made me want to be able to see their work! Below is an awesome example that I found on Wikipedia:

Noah's Ark by Nusret Çolpan

Oh, and you might also be interested in my review from a few year’s ago of one of Pamuk’s other books, Snow. Check it out!

Creative Blogging

My dear friend Debi, who — among her many gifts and talents — has begun sewing beautiful vintage designs and blogging about it, has graciously passed the Kreativ Blogger award onto me. So sweet!

Because I was curious about the name, I did a little searching on the origins of the award, and traced it back to this pretty Norwegian blog called Husfruas Memoarer. (I bet most of you German speakers out there can hazard a guess about the name’s translation.)

So, part of receiving the award is acknowledging other creative bloggers that inspire you.* Well, that would definitely be my sister, Something Cheeky. Not only is she a fabulous photographer and momma to a pre-schooler and a newborn, but she also finds the time to make beautiful quilts and other precious things! Amazing.

If you know someone out there who inspires you, pass this on and let them know!

* I’m being creative and slightly changing the rules. :)

Five Senses Friday no. 20

Since I’ve missed out on a few Five Senses Fridays, this one incorporates my sense memories from the past couple of weeks.

* old family photographs. (You’ll be hearing more about this little project later.)
* the last pages of My Name is Red.
* mein Schatz’s suntanned face upon his return from Mexico.

* the voices of my family — the life stories of my parents, catching up with my siblings and brother-in-law, and the witticisms of my clever nephew.

* mmm, home cooking.
* mmm, coffee.
* eww, airplane food.

* salt water in the breeze in Seattle.
* a cow pasture in the air in Hamburg (and not in a good way).

* soft baby cheeks.
* 4 year-old arms wrapped tightly around my legs.
* sore knees from my ramped up training schedule.

Happy weekend everyone, and don’t forget to check out more senses over at abby try again!