A New Year

2009 is shaping up rather nicely, if I do say so myself…

After a frustratingly long prep phase (which I am convinced will only serve to make things better), my fellowship research is now gaining speed and I am excited to be moving into a new phase where progress is more recognizable.

Tonight I am starting the my new weekly German course.  Since the middle of December, we have been on Winterpause between courses.  Although I was quite happy to have my Wednesday nights from 6:30-9:00pm temporarily free, it will be good to get back into a German-learning routine again.

I have given my blog a new layout, and have been enjoying the freedom of having built-in widgets and editing-tools to tweek the look, rather than doing all the html by freehand (which, given my poor html skills, did not always work out so well in my last layout).  If you’re reading this in Google Reader or via e-mail or Facebook, take a minute to go directly to the site and check it out!

We also have several little travel jaunts around Europe planned, just because we can:  a weekend in Switzerland soon, hopefully to Scotland to visit friends in April, and to Hannover to run a half-marathon in May.  Not to mention two-weeks of travel in March around Germany and ending in Belgium, as one of the perks  of my fellowship.

In the apartment, all my books are unpacked, and the odds and ends have a place, and we just hung up a mirror and painting that have been propped up against the wall of our living room since October.  The space is feeling very comfortable and homey.

I am also feeling my creative juices flowing with my new camera.  Now if I could just get some free-time during daylight hours to go on a photo safari, that would be perfect.

Are you as excited about 2009 as I am?


  1. amy says:

    yes! 2009 is going to be a good year – i just feel it! love the new layout… so much space :)
    best to you as you engage in this new adventure!!!

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