25. Visit three new Christmas markets and blog about them. As promised, on Sunday evening we visited the Schlachte-Zauber Christmas market along the Weser river in Bremen, and it definitely did not disappoint. In fact, despite the extremely chilly temperatures, it’s my favorite market in recent memory! I loved the illuminated trees, the view of the …
Category: Bremen
Bremen | Marktplatz Weihnachtsmarkt
25. Visit three new Christmas markets and blog about them. Fulfilling number 25 on my 33 Things list has been quite the challenge this year. Even though my knee has healed and I don’t need to wear a brace anymore, all the snow and ice is slowing me down and making me more reliant on …
December 10 Wisdom. What was the wisest decision you made this year, and how did it play out? (Author: Susannah Conway) When I was awarded a fellowship to pursue my PhD in Bremen, I had a fairly big decision to make — where should I live? After spending two years settling into Hamburg, I finally …
Time for bed
My blogging has (as expected) slown down a bit as I adjust to (a) splitting my life between Bremen and Hamburg, and (b) getting started on my PhD. It’s been truly exhausting, but also really good. I’ve settled into Bremen nicely, despite the fact that I’ve yet to spend a full weekend here. I will …