
December 22 Travel. How did you travel in 2010? How and/or where would you like to travel next year? (Author: Tara Hunt)

Most of my traveling this year was local.  Train trips to the usual spots, like Hannover and Berlin.  Visiting friends in Groß Pankow, Heidelberg, Görlitz and Dittersbach (near the Polish border).  Work trips to Gießen and Fulda. Travels to Bremen for my interview, apartment search, and finally my move.  I did manage to leave Germany once or twice though — to Seattle to visit family and to DC for business and some fun.

All in all, that’s over 20 round-trip train rides, two trans-Atlantic flights, and one Mitfahrgelegenheit.  Actually, a pretty tame year in comparison to 2008 and 2009.

In 2011, I will add a couple of trips back to Seattle, maybe once back to New York too, and then plan some travels to new countries and cities I’ve never been to before.  Visions of  drinking coffee in Vienna, touring Copenhagen, and enjoying Norway dance in my head!  More than anything, I want my travels this year to be about adventure and exploration.

What are your travel dreams for 2011?

This post is part of Reverb 10, a process of reflecting and manifesting during the entire month of December.

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